All posts tagged: japanese food

A cold day for a cold course

It was a cold, rainy, grey afternoon in Tokyo. My feet was close to going on strike from long walks exploring the neighbourhood surrounding Tokyo Station. Lunch was a not-so-distant memory, but a yearning for a sit-down and some snacks meant only one thing – buckwheat noodles or soba 蕎麦. Soba is a classic Japanese noodle made from buckwheat flour. It’s thin and take on a pale colour with a tinge of green and can be served in a warm broth, served cold with a dipping sauce or stir-fried as yakisoba. For a light meal, cold soba is a great choice. It’s healthy, flavoursome and the idea of slurping the noodles covered in a light sauce loudly is too appealing. Walking along Character Street in Tokyo Station, I discovered a noodle house called Oragasoba おらが蕎麦 and decided to give it a try. I ordered the most basic cold soba dish called zaru Soba ざるそば. The noodles are topped with strips of sea weed or nori のり and served on a tray made of bamboo and shaped like a round sieve. …